

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Pediatric Neurology & More Specialties!

Cameron had his check up with Dr. Richard Morse at Dartmouth on Monday afternoon. We left my office just after the winners of the Boston Marathon crossed the finish line! Whoo!

I snuck some pictures of him during his appointment.
The giant star on his chest was from a contest we had at work. He obv had to have it!

He's 43.5 inches tall and 41 pounds -- he's grown so much in the past 6 months!

He's kind of a champ at holding still to get his blood pressure read.
Dr. Morse started the appointment the same as he always does: "How's everything going?" I explained that since we were last there, Cameron went the longest stretch that he has gone without a seizure -- 5 months and 4 days. Dr. Morse was thrilled, especially when we mentioned that Cameron had been (along with every other 4-year-old preschooler) sick with colds on-and-off all winter. He reviewed his most recent labs (from Dec. 31), which showed his main seizure med to be right in the middle of "therapeutic level," which was a surprise for us all because Cam has always had his levels above therapeutic level to keep the seizures at bay. His other med was actually below therapeutic level. All great things when we consider that those labs were drawn 4 months ago and Cameron only has had one seizure since that time. Dr. Morse suggested we continue his dosage where it is, unless he has another seizure, especially considering he MAY have had a fever prior to the last one.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Yoga for Kids and Cross-Training

For me, yoga always had this sort of hippie, free-spirited, twist-your-body-in-weird-ways-on-the-beach vibe to it, that I never felt like I could truly relate to. Oddly enough, my newly-found interest in yoga actually came from Cameron. He practices yoga every Wednesday at school, in addition to his physical therapy. He has been coming home and telling us about "the yoga" that he's learned since he started preschool last year. When the opportunity arose for me to join some friends at a $5 Community Yoga class over this long, harsh winter, I took the dive!  

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Timehop, Races and The Boston Marathon

Timehop is a wonderful thing! Those of you with Facebook, Instagram or Twitter have probably seen the glorious "8 YEARS AGO" photos of silly college messes, or the "2 YEARS AGO" newborn photos of your friend's now two year old baby. On Sunday, my Timehop reminded me that "4 YEARS AGO" Shawn and I got engaged! April 12, 2011 was a day that stood out in my mind for the two years leading up to our wedding, because it was the anniversary of our engagement, but with so many other dates to remember, this one sort of left my memory. My Timehop has been empty 4 years ago over the past few days, but April 13, 2011 is just about as equally a life-changing date as April 12th was.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Dreams & Updates

I'll be honest, running a marathon was never a dream of mine. It's never been on my proverbial bucket list and I totally skipped more than one Whitcomb Loop 4 miler during cross country skiing season in high school (sorry Mr. Streeter!). But, I have learned, in my 27 wise and experienced (haha) years, that life will undoubtedly throw some seriously mind-altering events your way. Such events may lead you to an earlier-than-expected start at parenthood, meeting the love of your life at the college you initially avoided, and maybe finding a release in just the place you hid from 11 years ago. 

So here I am. Registered for my first marathon.