

Friday, July 31, 2015

Having a mom that runs...

I love asking Cameron questions that clue me into how he's interpreting the things around him.
I saw this questionnaire on Happy Fit Mama's blog the other day and had to get the answers from Cam!

What does Mom eat before a run?
Cam: Yogurt
**I often have Greek yogurt smoothies after a run, but I think I'd pay terribly if I ate yogurt before my runs!**

How far does Mom run every day?
Cam: 66 miles
**That must include the miles I run chasing him and Remy around.**

What is Mom's favorite race?
Cam: Running races.
**He's pretty literal.**

Why do you think Mom runs?
Cam: Because she's beautiful.
**I'm not sure how this answers the question, or if he couldn't think of another answer, but I'll take it!**

What injuries has Mom had from running?
Cam: Your hands and knee
**He's referencing when I fell and walked home with bloody hands...**

Do you like going to Mom's races?
Cam: Yes

Have you learned anything from having a mom who runs?
Cam: Yes. Playing outside, painting and running
**I'm obviously a good multi-tasker.**

Does having a mom who runs make you want to run?
Cam: Yes.

What's your least favorite thing about having a mom who runs?
Cam: Playing with Remy.
**I'm not sure he entirely understood this one...**

Do you think you will run when you are Mom's age? How old is she?
Cam: Yes. 27.
**This question is more fun for kids who don't care to know how old everyone is.**

Marathon training update and fundraisers!

I ran my first double digit run in marathon training last week, and I'll be doing two half marathons in a row in the next two weeks (not actual races, just 13 miles -- Did I really just write "just 13 miles"...). This is the first time in my training cycle that I really, truly feel like I'm doing more than I have for halfs that I've trained for. Normally once I hit 12 - 13 miles I start to taper in preparation for the upcoming race, but I'm only about half way through training, so this is when the real work begins! After these next two weeks, my long runs will each be the longest run I have done to date. Scary, but exciting!

I'm super excited to have sold 23 shirts already! My small goal is to sell 26, but my larger goal is to sell 50. I can't believe I've already just about reached my small goal and am almost half way to the big goal! The campaign is open through August 7th. Shirts are $15 each and you can make an additional donation with your purchase, if you are able. Click on this link to check it out!

The first Margaritas night is next Thursday, August 6th in Lebanon, NH. Join the event on Facebook and share it with local friends and family!
The second Margaritas night in Keene is on Wednesday, August 19th. Again, join the event and share, share share!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Marathon Eating on a Budget

I mentioned a few posts back that I was focusing my pre-training marathon training by honing in on my nutrition to really find out what works and what doesn't work in order to keep me energized and avoid being a ravenous beast (oh, and not spending a million dollars trying to feed myself and family). As two post-college, debt-to-our-ears, new home owner, young-er parents, our budget is pretty tight.

Shawn and I are not creatures of habit when it comes to dinner-eating. Growing up, I always knew that we'd have American Chop Suey (ughhhh) one night, pizza one night, tacos another... I like to try different things and different styles of cooking. I don't LOVE to cook, but I do LOVE to eat delicious food, and food that I know is fueling my body for the miles I've been, and will be, putting in. The problem with making "good" food fuel is that it is often preceded by an expensive grocery bill. So here are a few money-saving tips for both marathoners and non-marathoners alike. I'm no pro couponer (I'm actually the worst couponer...), but I've learned some lessons over the last few years!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Preschool woes, CHaD Allstar Football & PUPPIES!

It has been a wild ride over the last few weeks and it seems crazy that we're already a week into July!

Back in the beginning of May we had Cameron's IEP meeting with his Preschool teachers and other staff. The decision was made that Cameron would go to summer school (gasp!) as there was clear evidence that he had some motor regression after not having physical therapy at school all summer and fall last year. He also has some minor fine motor delays, such as his inability to grasp scissors and write at an age-appropriate level. The preschool he attends is going through some changes this summer, and thus is taking place at his new elementary school, instead of the school it had been in. We're excited about this because he will be able to learn the new space he's in (they're actually using the Kindergarten classrooms), with the people he's comfortable with (he has the same teachers) all before adding the other kids, new staff and longer days.

After Cam's official/unofficial Preschool graduation
So Tuesday was Cam's first day at summer Preschool.