1. The CHaD HERO t shirt sales ROCKED! Thank you ALL who purchased a shirt and supported my campaign! Together we raised $255.86 with the sale of 34 shirts and almost $60 in additional donations! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can't wait to see the shirts around! For those of you who chose to have the shirt delivered to me, I was told I should have them by Friday Aug 21st, so I'll be tracking everyone down over the weekend!
I'm currently working on a tank top to sport all of the sponsor's names and chosen miles, for which I'll wear during my marathon! Question for you all - Anyone have recommendations for a screen printing company or local shop that would print just one shirt? I'd love to hear suggestions!
2. The first of two Margaritas Nights was a fun-filled event with great support! We added another $77.23 to the total funds raised while enjoying each others company ...and the 20oz Dos Equis! ;) Night #2 is coming up NEXT WEDNESDAY Aug 19th at the Margaritas in Keene, NH! Please call, text, email, message me, send me a carrier pigeon, whatever! in order to get a flyer to give to your waiter so they put your purchase toward the fundraiser. I will also have some at the restaurant with me. I was told I cannot hand them out - but you can ask me for one!