

Friday, December 4, 2015

Seven Months

A lot has happened in the last 7 months.
Like, a lot.

We closed and moved into our first house.
I registered for my first marathon.
Cam played tee-ball for the first time.
Shawn took up cycling.
Cameron was casted for and received his first AFO.
We all had birthdays.
We got our first puppy together.
Cameron finished Preschool.
He started Kindergarten.
Together we raised $1,000 for CHaD.
I completed my first marathon.
We hosted our first Thanksgiving in our new home.


But there is one thing that hasn't happend.

Cameron has been 7 months seizure-free.

For the first time ever in his life.

Those of you who know Cameron well might remember that he had his first visable seizure at about six and a half months old, in March 2011. He was officially diagnosed with epilepsy about a month later, in April 2011. Since then, the longest he had gone seizure-free was 5 months, last September to February. 

He last had a seizure on April 4, 2015. Today is December 4, 2015. 
This milestone doesn't mean anything in terms of the future of his epilepsy or whether he is "cured", but knowing that this is the first time in his life that he hasn't been plagued by seizures for over six months, feels like a miracle. We don't normally talk about how long it's been, and if we do, we spend the entire time we're talking knocking on every piece of wood we can reach. It usually comes up when we are up at Dartmouth for an appointment with the neurologist, and even he'll knock on wood when it's mentioned. I think the last time I wrote a post referencing the "last time he had a seizure", I had to write another post a week or two later saying it didn't last. (knock on wood)

Here's to hoping we can add many more things to our list of going's on, without adding to the list of dates that Cameron has had a seizure.