Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Excitement List!

So many things have been happening in the Cyr household lately!

Here's the list of excitement:
We bought and moved into our first house!

I became a Sweat Pink Ambassador!
<<<< Check out my sweet badge!

Cameron started tee ball for the first time!

We had Cam's IEP meeting in preparation for him to start Kindergarten.

I ran my last half marathon before marathon training officially begins!

My donor page for the CHaD HERO has officially opened!

After the Big Lake Half Marathon this past weekend, and the quad strain, I decided to take this week as a complete recovery week before I really, REALLY start training for the Baystate Marathon. I'm looking forward to planning some fundraising events and will share them on my social media pages. If someone you know might be interested, but may not be connected with me, please be sure to share, share, share! I've posted a link directly to my donor page right here (scroll up, on the left!), so you don't even have to go far! ;)

More on the individual excitement points soon! (Especially pictures of the house! WHOO!)


  1. Wow, lots of excitement going on!! Congrats on the house, the half marathon and sweat pink! I'm an ambassador too!

  2. Hi! Maddie passed along that you wanted to be added to the 2015 Fall Marathoners Blog Roll I put together, and you’re now on the list! Yay!

    CONGRATS on all the exciting things going on in your life lately, especially the new house! That's so awesome!!

    1. Hi Hanna! Thank you for adding me and for the congrats! I'm looking forward to connecting with everyone!
