

Friday, August 14, 2015

Five Things Friday

Because I have 5 things to share, and it's Friday!

1. The CHaD HERO t shirt sales ROCKED! Thank you ALL who purchased a shirt and supported my campaign! Together we raised $255.86 with the sale of 34 shirts and almost $60 in additional donations! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can't wait to see the shirts around! For those of you who chose to have the shirt delivered to me, I was told I should have them by Friday Aug 21st, so I'll be tracking everyone down over the weekend!
I'm currently working on a tank top to sport all of the sponsor's names and chosen miles, for which I'll wear during my marathon! Question for you all - Anyone have recommendations for a screen printing company or local shop that would print just one shirt? I'd love to hear suggestions!

2. The first of two Margaritas Nights was a fun-filled event with great support! We added another $77.23 to the total funds raised while enjoying each others company ...and the 20oz Dos Equis! ;) Night #2 is coming up NEXT WEDNESDAY Aug 19th at the Margaritas in Keene, NH! Please call, text, email, message me, send me a carrier pigeon, whatever! in order to get a flyer to give to your waiter so they put your purchase toward the fundraiser. I will also have some at the restaurant with me. I was told I cannot hand them out - but you can ask me for one!  

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Freekeh Review and Giveaway!

A few weeks ago, I talked about some ways that my family and I manage our grocery budget, especially with a marathon training appetite. As I said in my last post, we like trying new foods, so I was really excited when I was given the opportunity to review an awesome new product called Freekah!

So what is Freekah?
From Freekeh Food's website: Freekeh is a process which means "to rub" in Arabic. Freekeh was created by accident nearly 2,000 years ago when a Middle Eastern village was attacked and their crop of young green wheat was set ablaze. Most folks would sulk over their misfortune, but the crafty villagers rubbed off the chaff, cooked it up and "Eureka!" Freekeh was created. Freekeh has up to three times the fiber and protein found in brown rice, and fewer calories than quinoa and white rice. Freekeh Foods makes three different flavor options - there's Original, Rosemary & Sage and Tamari. I chose to review the Original and Rosemary & Sage.

I love their site because it has some great recipes and ideas to get me started in order to use Freekeh. It's basically a mix between rice and quinoa (it is NOT gluten free). When I opened the package, I actually thought it might have been mixed with rice, but no, it's an interesting mixture of shapes and textures. I was eager to get some recipes brewing with this lovely new grain, and to hear what the hubs and child thought of our first (and second) freekah experiences.