

Saturday, July 23, 2016

When marathon training takes a back seat and a new running belt!

After last year's marathon, I instantly knew that I would do it again. I knew I could do better. I knew I could push harder and cross that finish line in less time. I had been gearing up for it since I could comfortably walk again after last year's race. Then I ran a 15 minute half marathon PR (that's personal record) a month later and continued to show myself that I could move my legs faster! I knew I'd blow my first marathon time out of the water, if I kept it up.

Then 2016 happened. 
One thing after another this year has turned my focus to many other aspects of our lives and away from my running goals. Toward the end of May/beginning of June, when I should have been getting ready to start training for the DeMar Marathon, I was starting to realize that I really couldn't afford the physical stress of marathon training added to the mental stress that had already surrounded us. I wanted to relax. 

And so, after many healing tears, I opted to put off my second marathon, run when I want to, sip coffee on Saturday and Sunday morning, go camping, spend time with my family and not worry about fitting in long runs. I've been given a number of opportunities that I'm hoping to pursue with  my blog and know I couldn't focus much on them while also trying to fit in 3-4 hour long runs, 4 early, getting-darker mornings per week and ya know, life! I'm thankful for the support of my husband, Shawn and my cousin Meaghan, who I was supposed to be training with, for helping me feel comfortable with my decision. <3 

On that note, keep an eye out for some exciting events coming up this summer and early Fall! I've got some awesome things in the works as CHaD HERO fundraising really picks up and I can't wait to share!
On a completely different note, and a running-related one, I am thankful to have partnered with Level Up Runs who have just created an awesome new LED belt for your running/biking/walking/hiking adventures! I was able to try this baby out and couldn't be happier with it. 
Ironically, I had wanted to get a simple belt to carry my phone, some chapstick and my keys (on Scores Running Club nights!) and so when Level Up Runs told me about their new belt, I was thrilled! My favorite part about it, is the LED light that runs across the front of the pouch. 
It's super soft, flexible and doesn't move around a whole heck of a lot while I'm running. The best part is - you can get 50% off this belt with code RCE5FGY8. Just click on the link above to order it from Amazon, and you're on your way to a flashy (literally - the lights can blink too!) new belt to carry all of your goodies in while you're running around town!

Thanks for all of your support friends! Here's to hoping the latter end of 2016 has better things to share! ;)

1 comment:

  1. What a hard thing to recognize! Its always challenging for me to realize that pushing through something physically isn't always the best thing. I'm getting better and better at it! :)
