

Saturday, October 26, 2013


This weekend, as we prepare for Cameron's surgery on Wednesday, we went to go get his hair cut! Thank you SO much Dar (at Creative Styles in Swanzey, NH) for being the best Mimi and always making Cam so excited for his haircuts (and watching Sesame St, or playing games, or snuggling in bed)! We decided to have him get a mohawk because they'll be shaving one side of his head, so we figured we'd just start off symmetrical and cut the other side too!

Just before we got there, Shawn decided he'd see if Dar would have time to give him a mohawk too (and she did!) so now they match - and Cam loves having the same haircut as Daddy!

Once they both had their hair cuts, Cam promptly stated that it was now "Mommy's turn!". Sorry, no pictures to share of my mohawk. ;)

We have to head up to DHMC on Tuesday afternoon for Cameron's pre-op appointments, blood work and meetings. Then we'll be hanging out that night before getting admitted at 6:30am on Wednesday. We'll surely keep everyone updated this week! We're so thankful for the continued prayers, notes, donations, love and support. <3


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